Luke on the left and Zach on the right.
Zach and Luke - 10 days old
Zach and Luke - 1 week old squeezed into a swing together.
What's going on? Are you eating my ear?
Luke on the left and Zach on the right
Bath time - Luke on the left, Zach on the right.
Grandma loves this! Zach on the left, Luke on the right.
Heading home from the hospital - Zach on the left, Luke on the right.
Okay now you guess - who is on the right?
(Answer is at the bottom)
Andrew with Zach
Are they identical? Andrew, Julie and John checking it out.
Julie has Luke and Grandpa has Zach.
Less than 1 hour old.
Luke on the left and Zach on the right.
Julie and ? and ?
Josh, Ruston and Luke, Brooke, Zach and Julie
May 9, 2009
(Answer: Luke is on the right)